This is what we do for the joy of the King,
For His peaceable Kingdom,
For a world in despair.
And this is why we bring any hope we can give,
Any bread from the table,
Any touch of His hand.
This is what we do.
This is where we go.
This is why we sing.
This is how we live.
This is who we are.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dr. WHO??????

Driving home today, I nearly wrecked the car from laughing so much! (Not really even close to wrecking the car--but I WAS laughing pretty darn hard!)

I was listening to KRLA and this commercial about a "prostate specialist" came on.  The gist of the commercial was funny enough until they announced the name of the sponsoring doctor--an L.A. specialist named DR. POOGASH!!!! I don't know why, but I felt like a 5th grader laughing at a possibly "off-color" joke.  But a prostate doctor named "Poogash" is seriously funny in my sick little old-guy mind.  

It consequently spawned a bunch of "what-if" doctor names in my head:

Proctologist - Dr. Krack (he would share offices with Dr. Poogash)
Internist - Dr. Gutman
Anesthesiologist - Dr. Dozer
Dentist - Dr. Moeller
Pediatrician - Dr. Kidman or Dr. Childe
Podiatrist - Dr. Foote or Dr. Bunyan
Obstetrician - Dr. Storke
Ophthalmologist - Dr. Iris

As you might expect, I have a great one for another speciality,  but I'll keep that one to myself.


Billy said...

My vasectomy was performed by Dr. Richard Reed. I am not making that up. I'm glad to see that even Dr. Don has an eight grade boy way down deep.

Michelle said...

You don't know me, I'm a friend of Heidi's who is "blog-stalking". You may not even check any of these old blogs, but here goes: my sons pediatrician missed his calling, his name was Dr. Hymen. No Kidding.