Mike yankee bravo lima oscar golf sierra alpha bravo Oscar uniform tango tango hotel echo Charlie India victor India Lima whiskey alpha Romeo Mike uniform sierra tango Romeo echo alpha lima lima yankee sierra uniform Charlie kilo bravo echo Charlie alpha uniform sierra echo november Oscar bravo oscar delta yankee echo victor echo Romeo Charlie Oscar Mike Mike echo november tango sierra Oscar november tango hotel echo Mike. India Mike Juliet uniform sierra tango alpha lima India tango tango lima echo papa uniform zulu zulu lima echo delta, bravo echo Charlie alpha uniform sierra echo India tango hotel India November kilo tango hotel echo yankee alpha Romeo echo sierra Oscar delta alpha Romed November echo delta India November tango echo Romeo echo sierra tango India November golf.
Quebec uniform India tango echo Quebec uniform echo echo Romeo!
(Sierra India golf hotel!)
[NOTE: This post should not be taken seriously! I was just in a weird mood and was clowning around with the NATO phonetic alphabet. I know my enthusiasm for Lincoln and the CW is not shared by everyone. Comments really aren't necessary!]
I wouldn't say they suck - I think that everyone just connects with different parts of history and perhaps this is a time period that your readership does not connect with. I agree though about Wilkes Booth, there had to be some reason for him to be spared - maybe so God's plan was for Lincoln to be assassinated so that we would remember what he did for our country...
One of my favorite musicals is Assassins. The Wilkes Booth character is awesome and I love his rational for what he did and his speech to Oswald in the end. I also agree with John, it's not a time period that I really connect with. I'm more off a Revolutionary War guy myself. .. / .-.. / -.- / . / -.. // -.-- / --- / ..- / .-. // ..- / ... / --- / ..-. // - / .... / . // .--. / .... / --- / -. / . / - /.. / -.-. // .- / .-.. / .--. / .... / .- / -... /. / - !
i'm not smart enough to understand this.
okay, so the only part I really got because it was the easiest part was WHATEVER!
I love reading your blogs....I just never have anything to say other than "yeah".."true"..or "hhmm" so I just don't leave any comments. I really LOVE this blog though because it reminded me of when I had to learn the phonetic alphabet in Basic Training, good times. Also I just started reading "The Shack" today. :)
Okay, I'm a little slow on the uptake, but I get it now. And actually, I've always loved studying about the Civil War period. But I know what you mean about no comments...makes you wonder.
youth out under roots alas turbo repellant ignition pointer diverse understatement dreaded environment
Christmas Lifetime everlasting vertigo egyptian rust.
it's the goble phonetic code
almost impossible to decipher
Yeah. We're so smart.
Thimble hemorrhoid applesauce nuke snicker grin udder yosemite snowball
Jon...were that really Morse or were you making up crap? You might have written something really vile in your comment. Guess I'll never know! :)
Wow. My brain feels tired after trying to decipher it all. If it wasn't after midnight I would be clever like Jon, Kurt and Heidi. I might even try to write something in semaphore using wing dings.
Nah. I think I'd just rather go to bed.
It was actually morse code. I put / between letters and // between words
your loyal readers helped me understand this, but there is just no way i'm smart enough (or have enough time on my hands) to decipher your original post. ;)
Whiskey echo lima lima, november oscar whiskey yankee oscar uniform golf oscar tango Charlie oscar mike mike echo november tango sierra!
Hey Lyn...I think there has been too much WHISKEY being passed around this group! *hic-up*
even when i write all the letters down from these comments, it takes me a minute to break up the words.
i went to a bible study last weekend where they said papyrus was expensive so the NT was written in very tiny letters without punctuation and without spaces between words. i can't imagine having to decipher that!
ps... enjoy the popularity. ;)
Whiskey and lima beans are a BAD combination!
(It's been productive to have learned the NATO alphabet through this process!)
Okay, so Don - I just spent like five minutes trying to decipher your last post:
Whiskey and lima beans are a BAD combination!
Imagine my chagrin when I realized this wasn't code...
HAHA....Heidi, I was just responding to Dan's comment...to Lyn's comment
This comment is for Sarah B. I'm so glad you're reading THE SHACK. I finished it this weekend, and I loved it. I can't wait to read it again. I highly recommend it!
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